The McNeely’s

Hello! We are the McNeely Family of companies. Real Estate acquisition, teachers, parents, and helping others create freedom for their families.

-Troy & Danielle McNeely

If you have any questions, want to learn more, or have received an offer to purchase your property and would like to expedite the transaction, please drop us an email below…

Frequently Asked Questions

How did you come up with your offer price?

Several factors go into our offer price. The location, topography, proximity to roads and to utilities and size of parcel or number of acres are all factors that go into our offer price. We look at the "comps" and see what land is selling for in the area. Much of the land we purchase is located in very rural locations and the offer price takes this into consideration as well. Give us a call and we can talk to you about your specific property and why we're interested in it.

Where are you located?

We're a small family-owned company local to Oklahoma! That picture on the front really is Troy, and he really does work on all of the deals we do here! We can't wait to get to know you and your property.

What fees are involved with selling my land?

We typically handle all regular closing fees. We can go over your situation with you - we try to make it as easy as possible on you!

How does closing work?

We close all deals through escrow, which protects everyone. Once we get your signed Purchase Agreement, we'll open escrow! This process takes about 2-4 weeks. The escrow company will do their due diligence and all document preparation, and then schedule the closing with you. You can choose how you want to get paid, and escrow will pay you directly on the day of closing.

Who is answering your phone?

Most of the time, it's us! Like we said, we're a small family company, so sometimes we have some help answering calls because we can't keep up! Don't worry though, once our help gets some initial information from you a member of the McNeely Family Team will give you a call back.